Research by Kings College London by Dr. Tim Spector and the team at Zoe has shown, irrefutably, what naturopaths, herbalists and nutritionists have known for years; menopause impacts our metabolic rate. In addition, peer reviewed studies point to a clear link between menopause and gut permeability, gut microbiota diversity, blood sugar dysregulation and inflammation.
When we are nourished, and the world around us is in balance too, our hormones work synergistically to keep us well. However, when external stress or internal stressors - like the ones triggered by natural hormone changes in menopause - occur, our bodies need additional support to get them back on track.

From puberty most of us will have a regular cycle, progesterone and oestrogen performing a predictable pattern across a 28+day cycle.
Then, from 35+ our bodies naturally begin their transitory process to Part 2. Oestrogen fluctuates, progesterone slowly declines. And, because they work synergistically, these shifts impact cortisol, insulin, serotonin, dopamine, ghrelin - and many other clever hormones too. In the UK, the average age for us to reach menopause is 51. Menopause can also occur as a result of illness or be induced for medical reasons. And 1% of us will experience premature menopause.
The truth is the supplement industry is woefully under-regulated. But it’s also true that ethical brands committed to doing good things are challenged too as a result of bureaucracy that prevents us talking about the potential of plants and botanicals.
To fill the insight gap with you. Our Product Impact Studies allow us to verify the efficacy of our ingredients in real time and in real life. The results are pretty phenomenal too.

Adaptogens assist the body in adapting to and managing stress more effectively. They modulate our stress response by regulating the production of stress hormones like cortisol, helping us maintain balance during our menopause transition. These potent botanicals possess the unique ability to bring balance to physiological functions, by improving physical and mental resilience.
They work as “smart” substances, normalising imbalances in the body without pushing it into overdrive or suppression, promoting homeostasis. We utilise Ashwagandha, in its best researched form in MENO-BOOST and MOOD-FOOD. And you can find Bacopa in GUT-INSTINCT too.
Carminatives have been employed for centuries in traditional medicine systems worldwide, showcasing a rich history of use and effectiveness in supporting digestive health. Increasingly, their efficacy is being shown in contemporary trial conditions too.
These gentle herbs support digestive health by accelerating the pace at which food moves through the GIT after a meal. In addition, they relax intestinal smooth muscles to prevent or relieve excess gas. Carminatives reduce stomach discomfort, bloating, gas/flatulence and cramping. Our gut microbiota often needs a little extra help in midlife, which is why you’ll find carminatives in every blend in the Liminal range.
Demulcents are used in naturopathy and functional medicine to support our body’s digestive tract, providing relief from digestive issues as well as inflammation by forming a protective barrier on the stomach’s lining.
There is a growing body of research pointing to the value of these often humble looking herbs too. You’ll find slippery elm in MENO-BOOST. Flaxseeds in PERI-BOOST. And Marshmallow Root in GUT-INSTINCT too.
They have been traditionally used to improve digestion and regulate appetite by triggering the secretion of digestive juices as well as regulating hunger hormones such as ghrelin and GLP-1.
They also have the ability to balance blood sugar levels after a meal as well as promote liver function.
Nootropics, often referred to as "smart drugs" or "cognitive enhancers," are substances that are known for their potential to improve cognitive function, memory, creativity, motivation, and overall brain health.
We work with Bacopa, at therapeutic dosage levels in MOOD-FOOD. And you’ll find raw cacao in PERI-BOOST too.