Did you know that your gut can help metabolise dietary nutrients like biotin - often called the beauty vitamin! -as well as riboflavin and antioxidants to improve your skin, from within?
And that certain probiotic strains in a healthy gut can improve hydration, reduce wrinkles, and enhance skin barrier function?
In fact, the health of our gut microbiome directly impacts the condition of our skin, and vice versa, through intricate communication via our immune system, metabolism, and hormones.
At the heart of it all is the role of our gut in regulating inflammation. And inflammation is the root cause of many skin issues that can return or appear for the first time in midlife.
Around 60% of us report skin concerns during our menopause transition. And, in our community, changes to skin are often seen in the early stages of perimenopause; a window into the hormone fluctuations taking place on the inside.
From dryness to increased sensitivity. From eczema to rosacea and hormonal acne; if you’ve noticed a change in your skin, here are 3 simple hacks to build beauty regime from within;
Up the Omegas!: Studies indicate that Omega-3s can reduce redness, improve hydration, and reduce sensitivity to UV rays too. Salmon, mackerel, sardines…walnuts are a stand-out plant based source of omega-3 too.
Put probiotics on your plate: Probiotics are so much more powerful as wholefood than in supplement form. From yoghurt to kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, and tempeh - there are so many options available in our supermarket aisles today.
Invest in a good prebiotic: Prebiotics act as food for the beneficial bacteria in our guts, helping them thrive and multiply. Critically, prebiotics prevent harmful bacteria from overgrowing. And, by reducing gut inflammation and promoting a healthy microbiome, prebiotics benefit the gut-skin axis too.
To learn more about what our customers say about Gut-Instinct, check out our latest reviews HERE.
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