Francesca is passionate about bridging the disconnect between patients and practitioners – while steering a new dialogue that informs and inspires. Helping others to discover new routes to wellness, while bringing a practitioner’s expertise to life for modern audiences, is what makes her tick. We hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did.
First, tell us a little bit about you and how The Beauty Triangle came to life. What motivated you to create it? What principles drive its evolution?
As a journalist specialising in aesthetics and wellbeing, I was always meeting the most fascinating practitioners and wellness advocates – but still, there was so much misinformation amongst consumers, and big conversations that just weren’t happening in a public domain. I suppose I created The Beauty Triangle as a way to address that lack of dialogue: to create a safe space where women could have access to the most sought-after healthcare professionals, while having their own questions answered. Our events were, and still are, driven by a desire to educate and empower… but also to help connect our audiences with true experts.
How do you define success?
It can be as small as someone telling us that coming to one of our events has really opened their eyes, or introduced them to a practitioner who has gone on to help them. Long-term success would mean reaching thousands of women – something that we are constantly working towards! For me, success equates to being happy, every single day. Carving out a career that facilitates that is key… but so too is ensuring that it leaves space for the important things, like family.
Has your definition of success changed over time as an individual?
‘I used to define “success” as a public expression of accomplishment… as a journalist, the title that you write for often overshadows your individual work and for a long time, it seemed to me that my success was measured by the work that I put out in the public domain.’
Now, and possibly since being a mother, success feels more private. It is no longer simply about achieving things in a professional capacity, but also in a personal one: for example; raising a happy child, cultivating a thriving team, and taking the time to invest in oneself.
What correlation, if any, do you see between age and ambition?
For me, it is also a result of gaining in confidence and ability, and ultimately in knowing myself that much better.
Many of the women in your community will be navigating midlife and menopause. What conversations do you find them wanting to have?
Whether they are approaching menopause or have already navigated this chapter, the women in our community are constantly seeking to educate themselves on the subject of hormones.
They want to discover the most evidence-driven routes to optimising their internal health – whether that be via BHRT or alternative therapies – and they want to know about the people and products that can help.
Acknowledging the ups and downs that this stage of life can present is important – and for that reason, no topic is off-limits, be it sexual health, hormonal weight gain or emotional wellbeing. After all, having these conversations out loud empowers women – and that, ultimately, is what fosters a feeling of resilience.
What are your aspirations for your business over the next 24 months?
I would like The Beauty Triangle to reach more women – which means larger-scale events, more collaborations and possibly venturing overseas. Watch this space…
What do you wish your younger self had known about:
Life: That it only gets better.
Love: That kindness is the most important quality of all.
Health: That it is precious and to be nurtured always.
Work: That you should always do what you love – and if you truly love it, success will follow.
What would be your key advice to women transitioning through menopause today? What practical steps could they take to better support their bodies and minds?
Speak to someone who can empathise – and help you to navigate this chapter. The menopause is so individual to each woman, and every woman will experience it differently: therefore, a personalised approach that takes into account your body and mind is key. If you are not yet ready to talk to a practitioner, then seek out forums or platforms where conversations around the subject of menopause are being held. After all, sharing our experiences is what fosters greater strength and understanding.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with the MPowder community about our second spring?
Often, when talking about this time of flux, we dwell on the negative – however, every time we discuss the menopause at our events, there is a profound sense of celebration and solidarity amongst our women.
More and more, we are recognising the extraordinary ability of females at this time in their lives, both personally and professionally - and this goes to show three things: that we need to reframe conversations surrounding the menopause, champion this new chapter, and find the beauty in it.
Finally, what have you done to better support yourself in the last 16 months? What have you learned? And what will you carry with you in 2023 as the world once again shape shifts?
Being aware of my own wellbeing and what it takes to function at my optimum has definitely become a focus.
I’ve found myself veering towards more mindful practices (once I would have opted for HIIT, now I’m choosing yoga).
I’m investing more in my professional skills, and have recently started a public speaking course. I’m also striving to worry less about the opinions of others – and plan to be more “present” as the year unfolds. All being well, 2023 will be a more balanced year!
We hope for that balance in 2023 too. Thank you Francesca, for your reflections and purpose. To find out more about The Beauty Triangle’s events click HERE.
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