Regardless of the focus, there is one question we ask every single panellist at Hormone House Parties or in our 1:1 fireside chats in The Powder Room:
‘What makes the female body phenomenal?’
Perhaps we should screen-shot these and keep them as a reference whenever things feel tough?!
Because, when we’re in that MPOWDER space between what was and what is yet to come, the possibility of Part 2 can feel impossible to grasp. When you’re struggling to put one foot in front of another, a way out of the confusion and messiness, unfathomable.
This is what the experts want you to know.
Annee de Mamiel on cycles; ‘Life is about seasons and cycle in Traditional Chinese Medicine - and these are poignant in the way our lives flow. Post menopause, our Second Spring brings a whole new cycle of expansion. It’s exciting. We emerge from the quiet of Winter wide-eyed, wondering what is going on and, as our energy builds, we start to explore who we have become.
We can explore new ways of being, but this time, without the pressure of who we ‘ought’ to be. It’s both an exciting and tender time, as we learn to hold our vulnerability alongside our authority and find our path in this new cycle of life. Take your time as our Second Spring is followed by another season of manifestation in our Second Summer.’
Dr Mosconi on the benefits of menopause on our brains; As a neuroscientist, Mosconi views the impact of menopause on the brain as a ‘remodelling’ - and, interestingly, as something our bodies benefit from too. Like other key hormonal transitions - from puberty, when connectivity changes allow our brains to better manage impulse control and empathy, to pregnancy, when our brains model to protect and also interpret our child’s needs, menopause results in a rewiring that seems to lead to greater contentment in life.
Rebekah Brown, MPOWDER's founder and head of research on midlife as a superpower: ‘Contrary to society’s narrative, our postmenopausal years are when our contribution to the world is at its highest. Research shows we become more empathetic. Our sense of purpose increases. We know how to share, how to support, how to cheer-lead. We create new, inventive business models. We are much more likely to succeed as entrepreneurs at this point than our younger peers. Studies within the animal kingdom point to the role post-reproductive mammals play - facilitating greater community cohesion and a reduction in infant mortality too. We deserve to be well, at every stage of life. But the world needs to see and learn from wise women. Perhaps now more than ever.’
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