Journal / Menopause

What does equity mean in midlife?

5 Mar, 2023

Reflections on International Women’s Day


5 Mar, 2023

Reflections on International Women’s Day

All women, whatever be their position, should demand political equality as a means of a freer life, and one calculated to yield rich blessings to society.

Clara Zetkin, founder of International Women’s Day

We don’t talk much about Clara Zetkin today. But it was her proposal in 1911 that led to the first IWD - a date in the calendar that has grown in attention each year. I’m always a little wary of designated ‘days’ - but what they do enable is a moment of reflection and looking-inwards. And this year’s focus - on equity - is a timely one for the menopause space.

Most of us in this community are familiar with the stats that generically relate to our experience in midlife. The fact that 79% of us have to visit the doctor multiple times before menopause is identified. The fact that ⅔ of us still view it as a societal taboo. And that ⅕ of us don’t tell anyone about it at the start.

But did you know that females also face racial bias when seeking medical support?

That the menopause discussion, in society and in surgery is largely heteronormative- assuming too that we all identify with our birth gender or a gender at all?

Equity is distinctly different from equality because it recognises that not everyone begins the journey of life on the same starting line. Equity looks to even the bumps in the road so everyone can thrive.

Imagine a world where collective wisdom is harnessed so that everyone impacted is seen, supported and empowered to find what works best for them.

Our purpose as a co-creation community is to create the products, services and experiences that empower  every one of us to feel well in midlife. That means providing a platform for all lived experiences. Because when we thrive - the potential, not just for us as individuals, but for the world is phenomenal. Our perspective, our purpose is needed.

So take next Wednesday as a moment to recognise ‘you’ - and all you bring. It’s not always ‘our job’ to make the world listen - far better at times to invest our energy in  listening, learning and supporting each other. And, in my experience, that is what IWD is really about. Beyond the hastily pulled-together themed media stories. Beyond the slightly uncomfortable poses the PR departments ask us to capture…(!). It’s actually about each of us patting our own backs - and then reaching out to pat each others’. 

Together, we rise. Individually, you all rock.

With love, Rebekah & The MPowder Team.

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