Journal / Inspiration

Feed your curiosity with insights and reflections from midlife experts

21 Dec, 2023

The festive period always triggers a little bit of nostalgia for me. More than New Year, I find myself comparing how I feel as Santa’s little helper, to the year before! That hurtle towards Christmas Day leaves so many of us on our knees. 

21 Dec, 2023

Whether it’s ‘pushing on through’ at work to get everything done ‘before the break’, when we’re old enough to know that pretty much everything can wait for a few days! OR driving ourselves to make the day itself perfect at the expense of our own health, when again, it is the atmosphere and love in the room that counts. 

My promise to myself this year is to try and simply be. To listen to the counsel of Henny Flynn, who hosted our final Masterclass of 2023 on Thursday, and return to the basics of self care during this festive period. Prioritise conversations with the people who lift you up, pick up the gratitude journal, check in with my body on what it really needs. Get out every morning to soak in the beauty of winter. And to take my cue from nature too. Nourishing food. Nourishing practices. 

I hope you can carve out time to take care of yourself too. And, to provide a little inspiration on the practices that can be a powerful aid, here’s the top 3 journal chapters you accessed in 2023:


The art of turning inwards: How to embrace ‘wintering’ - a reflection on a practice we’ve become too distanced from.


Anxiety and menopause: And the tools that can help - did you know up to 60% of us cite anxiety as the most persistent of symptoms in midlife?


Resilience and midlife: And why it needs a rethink - an exploration of cortisol and its impact on our health


Wishing you and those around you a wonderful festive break.

With love as always
Rebekah and The MPowder Team.

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