Journal / Ageing Well

Skincare and menopause

2 Aug, 2023

How should you care for your skin in menopause? Feed your skin, from within...

2 Aug, 2023

In this week’s digital Meno-Well workshop, we hosted the wonderful holistic skincare specialist, Justine Masters - who shares our passion for embracing the natural beauty of our bodies and skin as we age. Justine is a big fan of our product range (thank you Justine!) - but what we love her for is her pragmatic, honest approach to skin care. She doesn’t endorse brands. She tries everything herself. And much of her philosophy is around encouraging us to do less - and spend less - in order to allow our skin to repair and glow.

We will be focusing on her reflections and recommendations on at-home treatments and tools next week, but first we wanted to share her sound advice on what we can do at home to make our current skincare regime work a little harder:

  1. Avoid cleansing in the shower: Most of us have our showers too hot. And, we cleanse for too little time. Justine recommends taking your cleansing routine from the shower to the mirror. Watch what you’re doing. Cleanse for at least a minute. Make it a mindful exercise. And an opportunity for a little self-care rather than hygiene!

  2. Unless you have oily skin, try not to cleanse in the morning: many of us clean our skin more than we need to - and it simply depletes our skin of its protective barrier and good oils.

  3. Apply products to damp skin: most products work better on damp skin - they lock the moisture in - and they are also more readily absorbed.

  4. Gently exfoliate no more than once a week: Many of us are exfoliating without even being aware of it! If you’re using a toner, you’re most likely exfoliating, if you’re using an AHA, you’re exfoliating - anything that sloughs or regenerates is usually an exfoliant. Look at what you’re applying at night - and ensure you’re only using an exfoliant once a week.

  5. But do exfoliate: Justine advises against any cell renewal products until you’re around 30. Until then, your skin regenerates on its own every 28 days. But as we get older, this process slows and our pores can clog, our skin can get duller and texture can change. So although point 4 is important, it is also good to ensure you do exfoliate once a week or fortnight to help your skin generate new cells. It also helps your other products be better absorbed by your skin (damp!) - and your make up will sit better too.

  6. SPF (minimum 30) all day, every day, all year: this is something most of us know we ‘should do’ - but we may remain reticent due to the assumption that facial SPFS are like the sun creams that coat our skin and feel sticky all day. Many sun creams are often white which leaves a more prominent mask the darker our skins are. Look for an all rounder. Justine recommends checking out Evy technology, Heliocare, which has a great gel and Super Goop which is a clear, light gel.

  7. Hot water and lemon: like so much of the guidance we get around menopause, our liver and how we take care of it, is critical. Start the day with hot water and lemon - and save your coffee for when you’re also eating food. Your skin (and insulin levels) will thank you for it.

With love, the MPowder Team.

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