Journal / Inspiration

The benefit of changing our minds in midlife.

7 Jan, 2024

‘The purpose of learning isn’t to affirm our beliefs, it’s to evolve our beliefs’.
Adam Grant, Think Again.

7 Jan, 2024

In Think Again, psychologist Adam Grant outlines the mental models that he assigns to individuals to evaluate their ability to navigate life. According to his analysis we tend to fall into 4 categories of thinker:

  • The preacher
  • The prosecutor
  • The politician
  • The scientist 

In a world beset by binary views, binary politics he makes the case for us all benefiting from being ‘more scientist’.

And, as a thesis, it feels particularly relevant for us as we navigate menopause. 

I personally found that one of my greatest challenges at the start of my menopause transition was accepting that some of the tools that had served me well, no longer delivered. And, that the way I lived, quite frankly, no longer deliveredl either! The temptation, when change happens, is to hang on tight. To attempt to ride out the storm (or the hormone roller coaster). But, looking back I wonder how much easier my journey would have been if I’d paused, taken stock - and applied a ‘curious’ - or to use Grant’s terminology - a ‘scientist’s’ mind to rethink my beliefs.

The most important thing to remember in midlife, is that science doesn’t stand still. We’re always learning. And the pace of learning is increasing in female health, which is a good thing.

2023 saw significant breakthroughs. With the approval of Veroza, doctors have a growing toolkit of prescription routes to support us in menopause. In the world of plants, more data came to light about the potential of both wholefoods and botanicals. From a large-scale study verifying the impact of cacao on cognitive function, to growing research pointing to the potential of modulating the gut to help our bodies metabolise circulating oestrogen and further support our own oestrogen production by improving our gut microbiota, we have never had greater agency to support our own wellbeing.


‘If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom’. (source: Adam Grant, Think Again). 

To really change our lived experience of midlife and ageing well, we need to keep open minds. We need to keep checking in with ourselves and ensure we’re not simply holding on to avoid ‘letting go’.

  • We need to keep learning.
  • We need to try new things. 

Finally, we need to listen to the opinions of others that think differently to us. I worry that the menopause space makes this hard right now. Too often I see threads on social media asking us to take sides in what should be a space dedicated to respecting lived experiences.

Grant asserts that we should look for the strength in other’s arguments, rather than picking holes in logic. 

Ultimately, this is what will help our own thinking - and as a result - our health, evolve. In the whirl of a month dominated by resolutions, why not simply allow yourself to explore one new thing, revisit one long-held belief…and see where new knowledge takes you?

With love, Rebekah & the MPowder Team.

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