Journal / Inspiration

The Great Reappearing Act.

4 Jan, 2024

Last year research by the Think Tank Gen-M revealed that more women identified with the statement menopause is a taboo topic than 2 years’ earlier.

4 Jan, 2024

In fact, researchers assert that, in North America and Western Europe, the tendency to view menopause in a negative light has intensified in the last decade.

It’s a counter-intuitive trend that needs attention. In the UK, the last 2 years have been a period of increased media attention and conversation around menopause. We’ve seen legislative changes. Curriculum changes. A growth of educational resources, products, medical and holistic services. Accreditations have been created to signpost menopause-friendly workplaces and menopause-friendly products and menopause-friendly work colleagues. Companies are launching menopause policies and programmes. Doctors are training to become ‘menopause specialists’. Celebrities have shared their personal stories and launched businesses targeting the lifestage. And scriptwriters have woven menopause into sitcom and Hollywood story lines.


So what is prompting an increased discomfort with the topic amongst individuals experiencing it?

This research study draws from existing ‘menopause at work’ papers, narrative research with companies breaking new ground with menopause support and our community’s lived experience of menopause to explore how we can refine the perceptions, policies and impact of menopause, specifically at work.

What does ‘good’ look like? And how can companies looking to build on existing policies or start addressing the loss of talent in midlife, learn from the businesses that have launched initiatives and the individuals receiving them?

Because, we believe, with the right support, midlife is a stepping up point, not a fading away. The world needs females to be well. And together, we can write a new playbook for Part 2.

With thanks to all those companies cited for investing in the research that gave our study its foundation. And the businesses that so generously shared their principles and learnings. 

To download the study in full click HERE.

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