Curious about menopause? Looking to separate science from fiction? Want to hear from the most balanced experts on symptoms? Our journal shares the latest thinking from the best minds. From HRT to CBT. From nutritional hacks to the best way to take our supplements.
Breakfast in a glass smoothie
INGREDIENTS Milk of your choice 200ml MPowder Meno-Boost 30g (3 level tbsp) Banana...
Feb. 24, 2021
The Strasberry
INGREDIENTS Coconut M*lk 200-300ml MPowder Peri-Boost 30g (3 level tbsp) Banana 1/2 Strawberries...
Feb. 24, 2021
Nutty Nutrition
INGREDIENTS Soya M*lk 200ml MPowder Peri-Boost 30g (3 level tbsp) Banana 1/2 Mixed Nuts...
Feb. 24, 2021